New features, bug fixes, and improvements made to each package.
Mar 17, 2025
Text 0.1.0
- Change shorthand margin property to support tailwind overwrite
Components 0.0.34
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/text@0.1.0
Create Email 0.1.10
- Updated template dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.34
Feb 10, 2025
React Email 3.0.7
- Use the punycode package for the static modules
- Fixes active state for root email templates on file tree
- Respect user’s NODE_ENV when previewing templates
- Upgrade to 4.8.1
Create Email 0.1.9
- Update dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.33
- react-email@3.0.7
Render 1.0.5
- Fix extra < characters being kept when rendering if mso comments under certain conditions
- Fix pretty option breaking button components
- Fix unstable rendering when prettifying with the Preview component
Components 0.0.33
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/render@1.0.5
- @react-email/body@0.0.11
- @react-email/button@0.0.19
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.11
- @react-email/code-inline@0.0.5
- @react-email/column@0.0.13
- @react-email/container@0.0.15
- @react-email/font@0.0.9
- @react-email/head@0.0.12
- @react-email/heading@0.0.15
- @react-email/hr@0.0.11
- @react-email/html@0.0.11
- @react-email/img@0.0.11
- @react-email/link@0.0.12
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.14
- @react-email/preview@0.0.12
- @react-email/row@0.0.12
- @react-email/section@0.0.16
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.4
- @react-email/text@0.0.11
Jan 09, 2025
React Email 3.0.6
- Fixed preview server crashing without React 19
Create Email 0.1.8
- Updated template dependencies
- react-email@3.0.6
Jan 07, 2025
React Email 3.0.5
- Fixed unwanted email re-renders when switching email templates
- Updated Next.JS to 15.1.2
Create Email 0.1.7
- Updated template dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.32
- react-email@3.0.5
Render 1.0.4
- Updated prettier to
Components 0.0.32
- Updated dependency on
Dec 10, 2024
Components 0.0.31
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.4
Tailwind 1.0.4
- Fix issue with types due to improper build
Create Email 0.1.6
- @react-email/components@0.0.31
Dec 09, 2024
React Email 3.0.4
- Update to React 19
Create Email 0.1.5
- Update to React 19
Dec 06, 2024
Components 0.0.30
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.14
Markdown 0.0.14
- Upgrade md-to-react-email
Create Email 0.1.4
- @react-email/components@0.0.30
Dec 03, 2024
Body 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Button 0.0.19
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Code Block 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
- Fix typo in the PrismLanguage type
Code Inline 0.0.5
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Column 0.0.13
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Components 0.0.29
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/code-inline@0.0.5
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.11
- @react-email/container@0.0.15
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.13
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.3
- @react-email/heading@0.0.15
- @react-email/preview@0.0.12
- @react-email/section@0.0.16
- @react-email/button@0.0.19
- @react-email/column@0.0.13
- @react-email/render@1.0.3
- @react-email/body@0.0.11
- @react-email/font@0.0.9
- @react-email/head@0.0.12
- @react-email/html@0.0.11
- @react-email/link@0.0.12
- @react-email/text@0.0.11
- @react-email/img@0.0.11
- @react-email/row@0.0.12
- @react-email/hr@0.0.11
Container 0.0.15
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Font 0.0.9
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Head 0.0.12
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Heading 0.0.15
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Hr 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Html 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Img 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Link 0.0.12
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Markdown 0.0.13
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
- Fix memory leak by updating md-to-react-email
- Fixes
styles erroring when using numbers
Preview 0.0.12
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
React Email 3.0.3
- Fix null byte characters being rendered in the preview server
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
- Improve error messages for all CLI commands
Render 1.0.3
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
- Use prettier’s stadalone API instead of js-beautify
- Remove unnecessary destructuring of react-dom/server
Row 0.0.12
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Section 0.0.16
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Tailwind 1.0.3
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Text 0.0.11
- Use peerDependencies for react and react-dom
- Move react and react-dom to just dependencies for better DX
Create Email 0.1.3
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.29
Nov 08, 2024
Tailwind 1.0.2
- Fix TailwindConfig’s type being broken when
is not installed
Create Email 0.1.2
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.28
Components 0.0.28
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.10
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.2
Code Block 0.0.18
- fix improper padding on the line numbers
- Add
prop that is inlined into the elements for all tokens
Nov 04, 2024
Tailwind 1.0.1
- Fix duplicate media query styles
- Fix Promise being returned as a React Node
Create Email 0.1.1
- Fix
prefix not being removed from react-email dev dep
Components 0.0.27
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.1
Oct 31, 2024
Tailwind 1.0.0
- Updates
to latest version, but requires use of@react-email/render@>=1.0.0
- Refactored internally to have a much smaller bundle size
- Fixes CSS variables being replaced with
- Fix
being used for utilities such asfloat-left
React Email 3.0.2
- bump chokidar to v4
- Add util/types as a module
- Fix missing Request and Response globals
- Fix NODE_ENV for emails as “PRODUCTION” instead of “DEVELOPMENT”
- Update and
- Add AbortSignal, Event and EventTarget
- Add missing timers/promises Node module for
email dev
Button 0.0.18
- Fix NaN values on rendered Button HTML
Link 0.0.11
- Fix textDecoration reset being too broad
Render 1.0.2
- Fix null characters in between chunks when using high-density characters
Row 0.0.11
- Fixes default attributes overriding props
Section 0.0.15
- Fixes default attributes overriding props
Create Email 0.1.0
- Move “react-email” package to devDependencies for the template
Components 0.0.26
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/section@0.0.15
- @react-email/row@0.0.11
- @react-email/tailwind@1.0.0
- @react-email/button@0.0.18
- @react-email/render@1.0.2
- @react-email/link@0.0.11
- @react-email/body@0.0.10
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.9
- @react-email/code-inline@0.0.4
- @react-email/column@0.0.12
- @react-email/container@0.0.14
- @react-email/font@0.0.8
- @react-email/head@0.0.11
- @react-email/heading@0.0.14
- @react-email/hr@0.0.10
- @react-email/html@0.0.10
- @react-email/img@0.0.10
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.12
- @react-email/preview@0.0.11
- @react-email/text@0.0.10
Sep 02, 2024
Create Email 0.0.34
- Update dependencies
- @react-email/components@0.0.25
Components 0.0.25
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.9
Code Block 0.0.9
- Fix Versper theme’s background color
Aug 23, 2024
React Email 3.0.1
- Fixes hot reloading
Create Email 0.0.32
- Update dependency
Aug 22, 2024
React Email 3.0.0
- Use a built version of preview app when running
email dev
(major change) - Fixes decorators causing dependency tree babel parsing to fail
- update to 4.7.5
- Fix sharp warning when running
email dev
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
- fix email template preview failing with emails having spaces
- Fixes tooltip color being black for specific theming configurations
- Fixes root directories being hidden when they are alone at their depth
- Updated usage of
to treat a returned promise for the new@react-email/render@1.0.0
Create Email 0.0.31
- Add
as a dependency of the template - Update dependencies
- react-email@3.0.0
- @react-email/components@0.0.23
Tailwind 0.1.0
- Add support for proper
manipulation- This means support for
- This means support for
- Make inline styles override Tailwind styles.
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
- Fixes generation of unnecessary styles (ex: including
as text somewhere in your template)
Text 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Section 0.0.14
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Row 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Render 0.0.14
- Deprecated
and maderender
itself always async - Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Preview 0.0.11
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Markdown 0.0.12
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Link 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Img 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Html 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Hr 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Heading 0.0.14
- Updated dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Head 0.0.11
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Font 0.0.8
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Container 0.0.14
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Components 0.0.23
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
- Update dependencies
- @react-email/code-inline@0.0.4
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.7
- @react-email/container@0.0.14
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.12
- @react-email/tailwind@0.1.0
- @react-email/heading@0.0.14
- @react-email/preview@0.0.11
- @react-email/section@0.0.14
- @react-email/button@0.0.17
- @react-email/column@0.0.12
- @react-email/render@1.0.0
- @react-email/body@0.0.10
- @react-email/font@0.0.8
- @react-email/head@0.0.11
- @react-email/html@0.0.10
- @react-email/link@0.0.10
- @react-email/text@0.0.10
- @react-email/img@0.0.10
- @react-email/row@0.0.10
- @react-email/hr@0.0.10
Column 0.0.12
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Code Block 0.0.7
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Button 0.0.7
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
- Add missing
to containing<a>
Body 0.0.10
- Updated peer dependencies to allow for React 19 release candidate and React 19 itself
Jul 23, 2024
Body 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Button 0.0.16
- Add forward ref
Code Block 0.0.6
- Add forward ref
Code Inline 0.0.3
- Add forward ref
Column 0.0.11
- Add forward ref
Components 0.0.22
- Updated dependencies
- @react-email/tailwind@0.0.19
- @react-email/body@0.0.9
- @react-email/button@0.0.16
- @react-email/code-block@0.0.6
- @react-email/code-inline@0.0.3
- @react-email/column@0.0.11
- @react-email/container@0.0.13
- @react-email/font@0.0.7
- @react-email/head@0.0.10
- @react-email/heading@0.0.13
- @react-email/hr@0.0.9
- @react-email/html@0.0.9
- @react-email/img@0.0.9
- @react-email/link@0.0.9
- @react-email/markdown@0.0.11
- @react-email/preview@0.0.10
- @react-email/render@0.0.17
- @react-email/row@0.0.9
- @react-email/section@0.0.13
- @react-email/text@0.0.9
Container 0.0.13
- Add forward ref
Create Email 0.0.30
- Change internal things related to how the template is versioned
- @react-email/components@0.0.22
- react-email@2.1.6
Font 0.0.7
- Add forward ref
Head 0.0.10
- Add forward ref
Heading 0.0.13
- Add forward ref
Hr 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Html 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Img 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Link 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Markdown 0.0.11
- Add forward ref
Preview 0.0.10
- Add forward ref
React Email 2.1.6
- Fixes live refresh not working with files outside
directory - Fixes export failing when templates have different suffixes
Row 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Section 0.0.13
- Add forward ref
Tailwind 0.0.19
- Changed it so, children of a component are only processed after the component is done with them
Text 0.0.9
- Add forward ref
Jul 3, 2024
Code Block 0.0.5
- Fixes display issues appearing on mobile email clients with the code-block
Components 0.0.21
- Updates dependency on
Create Email 0.0.29
- Updates template dependencies
Jul 1, 2024
React Email 2.1.5
- Add missing Node modules used by the Prisma client (Thanks JP Erasmus!)
- Fixes
email build
andemail start
not working properly on Windows
Create Email 0.0.28
- Updates template dependencies
Render 0.0.16
- Fixes an issue with ESM when calling
Components 0.0.20
- Updates dependency on
May 24, 2024
React Email 2.1.4
- Fixes a Windows issue with the render resolving esbuild plugin
- Fixes a few hot reloading rough edges
Create Email 0.0.27
- Updates the template dependency on
- Updates the template dependency on
Tailwind 0.0.18
- Fixes relatively complex media queries not being parsed properly
Render 0.0.15
- Fixes an extra
<!DOCTYPE html>
that was included in a few cases
Components 0.0.19
- Updates dependency on
- Updates dependency on
May 20, 2024
React Email 2.1.3
- Fixed
email export
failing when emails use hooks - Fixed different
version being used to render email templates - Fixed the “__filanem” typo passed on the VM context for resolving email components on the preview
- Fixed possible file system race conditions
- Redirect users back to
if the email is not found on/preview
- Show only the filename on the preview page title and on the top bar
- Fixed the missing
on the global context for email templates - Fixed the missing
on global context for email VM - Improved error stack traces for the preview server
- Fixed an issue with
email dev
when there is abrowserslist
in the user’spackage.json
Create Email 0.0.26
- Updated template dependencies to the latest versions
- Fixed
being imported from@react-email/tailwind
instead of@react-email/components
Tailwind 0.0.17
- Remove
from normal dependencies, and only keep it as a peer dependency - Fixed the React JSX runtime being bundled
- Fixed types for
being basically aRecord<string, any>
- Fixed children always being transformed into an array
- Fixed
components not working inside of Tailwind
Render 0.0.14
- Fixed Issue with the
await import
when using inside Next.js - Use the
instead ofrenderToStaticNodeStream
Head 0.0.9
- Added an iOS formatting meta tag as default
Components 0.0.18
- Updated dependency on
- Updated dependency on
- Updated dependency on
Apr 29, 2024
Body 0.0.8 | Button 0.0.15 | Code Inline 0.0.2 | Code block 0.0.4 |
Column 0.0.10 | Container 0.0.12 | Font 0.0.6 | Head 0.0.8 |
Heading 0.0.12 | Hr 0.0.8 | Html 0.0.8 | Img 0.0.8 |
Link 0.0.8 | Markdown 0.0.10 | Preview 0.0.9 | Render 0.0.13 |
Row 0.0.8 | Section 0.0.12 | Tailwind 0.0.16 | Text 0.0.8 |
- Fixed the peer dependency on React to allow for all minor versions after
Components 0.0.17
- Fixed the peer dependency on React to allow for all minor versions after
- Updated the version for all components
React Email 2.1.2
- Fixed the peer dependency on React to allow for all minor versions after
- Updated the dependencies on
Create Email 0.0.25
- Updated the template dependencies
Mar 28, 2024
React Email 2.1.1
- Fixed links on the sidebar being broken with a custom emails directory
- Upgraded dependency on
- Made the preview server detect changes to dependencies of email templates for hot reloading
- Remove existing
directory when runningemail export
multiple times (Thanks bennyburrito!) - Use internal implementation for the logged tree when running
email export
for better security - Fixes missing URL, TextDecoder, TextEncoder and other global missing things on the preview server
Tailwind 0.0.15
- Fixed media query selectors being escaped, which caused issues for some email clients
- Improved internal code readability and fixed key warnings
- Fixed missing head errors being thrown after minification of the Email’s component code
- Fixed not being able to use Tailwind classes on the
Markdown 0.0.9
- Upgrade
to the latest version- Fixes quotes not being handled properly in the
- Fixes quotes not being handled properly in the
Create Email 0.0.24
- Upgrade template dependencies to the latest versions
- Use internal implementation for the logged tree
Feb 22, 2024
React Email 2.1.0
- Fixes
email build
not working with a custom emails directory - Now automatically adds
as a dependency inside.react-email
when runningemail build
- File extensions are now no longer forced on the slugs of the URL (i.e.
is just/preview/codepen-challengers.tsx
) - For subdirectories, email slugs are no longer encoded in the URL, so
is now/preview/newsletters/codepen-challengers
- Fixes an issue with static files when using custom directories
- Issue that would happen when using Node versions that were not >= 20
- Fixes
email export
not rendering files form subdirectories properly - Fixes the tooltip on the sidebar’s toggle rendering bellow the sidebar
- Make the iframe inside the preview white by default
- Fixes missing suspense boundaries which could cause issues with
email build
sometimes - Upgrade preview app to use NextJS
- Fixes missing preloaded node modules for the email VM
- Fixes no emails being detected on the sidebar if a project parent directory was prefixed with
- Fixes Hot reloading not working with a custom emails directory
- Fixes some minor typos (Thanks Byrne Hollander)
- Fixes duplication of static files after running
email export
multiple times - Fixes Windows issue where the location for the CLI’s package could not be found
- Fixes ESM issue with
email export
Code block 0.0.3
- Fixes certain PrismJS tokens not being rendered at all
Create Email 0.0.23
- Template having the static directory at the root of the
instead of insideemails
- Fixes missing obligatory dependencies on the template as of
Button 0.0.14
- Fixes our styles not being overwritten by the user’s
Jan 19, 2024
React-Email 2.0.0
Breaking changes:
- Static files for the preview server are now kept under
or inside your specified emails directory. - The preview app is not downloaded anymore and it now comes alongside the CLI
- Monorepos are now fully supported because of this
- Emails are built instead of copied
Misc changes:
- UI improved and icons updated
- Added a view to see how your email is going to look on mobile
- Error overlay specific to your emails
- Sub-folders are now supported, allowing for certain ones to be ignored by
the preview app if prefixed with
) - Improved filtering for showing emails on the sidebar that only shows them if they have an export default somewhere inside. This is a bit of a heuristic and can still be improved though.
Components 0.0.14
- Bump
- Add
and export it - Add
and export it
Create Email 0.0.22
Template Changes:
- Remove
from template workspaces - Bump
- Bump
Render 0.0.12
- Fix import for
breaking for ESM users
Code Inline 0.0.1
- Create component with support for the
email client
Code Block 0.0.2
- Issue with import for
due to it being commonjs
Jan 16, 2024
Render 0.0.11
- Replace unmaintained
package forjs-beautify
(thanks Bastien Robert) - Remove link brackets surrounding links on plain text rendering (thanks Marcus Stenbeck)
- Fix functions called from
to avoid them being called and causing issues on NextJS on the edge - Add an option for the
functions to customize the htmlToText options
Tailwind 0.0.14
- Fix an error for a hack that is used on Tailwind to detect a deprecated dependency that fails when it is being bundled on NextJS
- Fix issues that were being caused by calling
by doing a very archaic rendering of the JSX to just run Tailwind on it
Components 0.0.13
- Bump
- Bump
react-email 1.10.1
- Fix error thrown by Next on the preview because of
by adding it into the serverComponentsExternalPackages option - See - Ignore test files when generating email previews (Thanks Jonathan Warykowski)
create-email 0.0.21
- Bump
on generated template to1.10.1
- Bump
on generated template to0.0.13
Dec 11, 2023
create-email 0.0.20
- Fix regression introduced with the wrong usage of the new
Dec 01, 2023
react-email 1.10.0
- Use
instead oftree-node-cli
which fixes problems with using it behind a corporate proxy - Fix problems with
jsx: 'preserve'
when trying to export emails by using a specific tsconfig for bundling the code for the emails before rendering - Improve error messages to avoid shallow feedback to users
create-email 0.0.19
- Use
instead oftree-node-cli
which fixes problems with using it behind a corporate proxy - Update
on the automatic setup to the latest
Tailwind 0.0.13
The migration for this new version should be smooth sailing overall, the only things to consider is that if you are using media query tailwind styles you will need to move the Tailwind component directly above the head element or Head component.
- Massive performance improvements
- Fix media queries not being loaded properly
- Fix Safari problems due to lookbehind expressions on regexes
- Make the Head obligatorily a direct element to Tailwind instead of HTml followed by Head
- Fixed component not working with custom components that did not have children
Code-block 0.0.1
- Add code-block component
- Use modified version of prismjs
- Default themes from prismjs themes exported here
Components 0.0.13
- Fix esm type exports
- Update
- Update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- update
- Update
- update
Body 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Button 0.0.13
- Fix esm type exports
Column 0.0.9
- Fix esm type exports
Container 0.0.11
- Fix esm type exports
Font 0.0.5
- Fix esm type exports
Font 0.0.5
- Fix esm type exports
Head 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Heading 0.0.11
- Fix esm type exports
Hr 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Html 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Img 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Link 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Markdown 0.0.8
- Fix esm type exports
Preview 0.0.8
- Fix esm type exports
Render 0.0.10
- Fix esm type exports
Row 0.0.7
- Fix esm type exports
Section 0.0.11
- Fix esm type exports
Nov 01, 2023
Components 0.0.11
- Upgrade
Render 0.0.9
- Fix
function to support Next.js 14
April 05. 2023
Button 0.0.8
- Fix invalid CSS
Components 0.0.6
- Upgrade components to latest version
Client 0.0.12
- Remove nav block classname
- Stop subprocess if an error occurs
Create Email 0.0.16
- Fix required Node 18
- Upgrade template to use latest versions
React Email 1.9.1
- Upgrade client version to
Render 0.0.7
- Add
function to enable edge runtime support
Preview 0.0.6
- Fix 150 characters limit
March 21, 2023
Body 0.0.2
- Add
Button 0.0.7
- Add
Column 0.0.7
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridestyle
Container 0.0.8
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to be able to overridealign
Components 0.0.4
- Upgrade components to latest version
Head 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overrideref
Heading 0.0.8
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridestyle
Hr 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridealign
Img 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridealt
, andsrc
Link 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridestyle
, andref
React Email 1.9.0
- Change how to handle
files (static
files should live in the root, and not in theemails
folder) - Throw error when missing
folder - Removed unused script commands
Row 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to be able to overridealign
Section 0.0.9
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to be able to overridealign
Text 0.0.5
- Add
attribute - Reorder
to not be able to overridestyle
January 24, 2023
Section 0.0.5
- Fix extra
elements when using<Column>
January 4, 2023
React Email 1.6.0
- Detect package manager in command (yarn, npm, or pnpm)
December 28, 2022
Section 0.0.4
- Ensure
renders with<td>
wrapper if no<Column>
is provided
React Email 1.5.2
- Fix incorrect glob pattern in email export
React Email 1.5.1
- Split path separator on Windows
December 22, 2022
Body 0.0.1
- Add
Create Email 0.0.7
- Move assets to static folder
Create Email 0.0.6
- Leverage new version of
December 21, 2022
React Email 1.5.0
- Add ability to send test email
- Show file tree on successful export
- Copy static folder when exporting
- Add support for shared components
React Email 1.4.1
- Add buttons to download and copy to clipboard
- Fix empty static directory
React Email 1.4.0
- Add components directory
- Add static folder support
December 16, 2022
React Email 1.3.0
- Cache emails
- Add support for JSX files
- Fix icon size on the sidebar
- Add export emails command
- Change route when view mode changes
December 12, 2022
Column 0.0.2
- Fix default styling to accommodate
Section 0.0.2
- Fix default styling to accommodate
December 8, 2022
React Email 1.2.0
- Show React source code side-by-side
December 3, 2022
Create Email 0.0.3
- Display success message after command is run
React Email 1.1.1
- Add new local development server
November 29, 2022
Heading 0.0.5
- Add margin utilities props like
, andml
November 17, 2022
Button 0.0.4
- Add padding utilities props like
November 6, 2022
Column 0.0.1
- Add
Section 0.0.1
- Add
October 13, 2022
Button 0.0.3
- Add support for Microsoft Outlook
October 12, 2022
All 0.0.2
- Fix README formatting
October 1, 2022
Pre 0.0.1
- Add
September 26, 2022
Preview 0.0.1
- Add
Ordered List 0.0.1
- Add
September 24, 2022
Heading 0.0.1
- Add
September 23, 2022
Container 0.0.1
- Add
Unordered List 0.0.1
- Add
September 22, 2022
Divider 0.0.1
- Add
HTML 0.0.1
- Add
Head 0.0.1
- Add
Code 0.0.1
- Add
Image 0.0.1
- Add
Link 0.0.1
- Add
Text 0.0.1
- Add
Render 0.0.1
- Add render utility